Sunday, 19 May 2013

Shoes to full ah' belly

Shoes to full ah belly...

        Making a meal would seem like a mountainous task to most people, but for mummies and grannies, necessity makes the task a chance to provide for their families which takes ‘work’ out of the recipe. For one who has no culinary inkling, the idea of being in a kitchen may keep them up at night; just the thought of having to be in front a stove with a mass of various ingredients on the table is enough to call the Colonel. 

       To get through this type of ‘torture’ the young kitcheneer must be seasoned from early. The early years spent creating pots of love with mummy, and granny if you lucky, will set the wheels in motion; with some motivating factor added in of course. Most times, “you have to eat to live” or, “don’t let no woman cut style on you boy!”

       Most chefs would start their biography with, “Well it all started at home really” with a smile. I always proudly say my mom and grand-mom started my career. Often most times would be just granny and I, as mom would be on her way from work, but we made the most of it. Holidays and days off from school were greatly welcomed not just for the break from Math and English but for another class of my favourite subject ‘Whatcha’ Cooking Today Granny?’ I always wondered how they knew how and what to cook. Later on I found out eventually but more so I realised it was by doing what I was doing that made them the great cook I admired, and I wanted to be that for my children one day. I made them fed up of me asking questions and many times they had to stop me from trying to taste with my fingers. Everything from sponge cakes to stewed chicken, coconut drops to oil down, sugar cake to split peas rice cook-up with salt-fish. I saw it all and more importantly had my fair share; which was usually the first and bigger than the others because I helped!

      Now that I have established myself as a ‘kitcheneer’, I put my own twist on their lessons and make it mine just as they and their teachers did in their time. Sometimes the tables turn and I become the teacher which makes them proud and playfully revengeful by trying to taste but they are good students and I enjoy trying to fill their shoes.


P.S...Happy Mother's Day to the the reasons I can do what I love because I love what I mom and grand taught me how to cook with love and I always will!...

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